Carter's Custom


Vaughn Gittin Jr. crashed the Mustang Mach-E 1400 in the midst of an epic video shoot

In October of 2021, the FunHaver himself, Vaughn Gittin Jr., released an insanely epic video capturing an epic drift around a scenic, remote island that resides 200 miles north of Scotland. Free Rein: Faroe Islands, showcased the Mustang Mach-E 1400 in stunning fashion, but everything did not go quite that smoothly behind the scenes.

While gliding around the intricate roads and through the world’s only roundabout thatsits below sea level leaving a trail of tire smoke in his wake, there was little incident that could have ruined the tightly orchestrated production of the short film. The car got a little too loose and slid into the K-rail causing damage to the suspension and body.

“We’re just taking apart the bits and pieces to see what the structural pieces look like, and so far structural is good,” Vaughn said after the incident. “Mechanically, it’s a little tweaked, but there’s no problem putting it back together. The cosmetics are gonna be the biggest thing.”

Thanksto the creativity and talent on the RTR team and some generosity from thelocals on the island, the Mustang Mach-E 1400 returned to fighting form andwrapped up the shooting of the short film in spectacular style.


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